Tips for Hiring a Great Corporate Entertainer

When tasked with organising entertainment for your upcoming company event, you'll realise there's plenty to manage! Luckily, hiring a corporate entertainer doesn't have to be a daunting or lengthy process.…

Creative corporate event ideas

Discover creative corporate event ideas. Learn how to make your corporate events more memorable! >> Hire Professional Corporate Entertainers Putting on a corporate event is a huge amount of work.…

Office Party Game Ideas

Many of us are looking ahead to the party season and the annual office party.   But whether it’s the office Christmas get-together, a colleague’s leaving do, or someone’s retirement, having…

Sizzling Summer Office Party Ideas

It’s that time of the year again... The sun is shining, vacation time is approaching, and everyone is in a good mood! Even with an on-going pandemic, Summer has a…

Fun Corporate Event Themes

Get some theme inspiration for your next corporate event. In this article, we’ve listed numerous corporate party theme ideas for you to choose from. We’ve group then by section: Social…

Hosting a virtual Christmas party

Learn how to plan a virtual Christmas party for your employees. Do to COVID-19 restrictions, regular events are more difficult to plan for the foreseeable future. But that doesn’t mean…

22 corporate Zoom party ideas

Unfortunately, COVID-19 is still here, and it’s probably not going away for some time. Because of this unpredictability, it may be difficult to plan traditonal events for a while. However,…

Corporate family fun day ideas

Discover unique ideas for your next corporate family fun day! A corporate family fun day, as the name implies, is an event organised by a company for the families of…