Christmas Party Entertainment Ideas

A key part of any Christmas party is of course the entertainment!  We put together a list of Christmas party entertainment ideas. You’ll find everything from classics to some more…

Creative Halloween Decor Ideas

“Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble…” October has arrived, the air is getting colder and we all know what that means... Halloween is here! Halloween is…

Communion party entertainment ideas

Communions are a wonderful occasion to bring all your friends and family together and celebrate!  It's also the perfect opportunity to book party entertainment for the kid's (and perhaps the…

Pin The Tail On The Donkey Ideas

Have you heard of Pin The Tail On The Donkey? Well, if not, then let us tell you about this amazing party game that will make your little ones smile…

Sizzling Summer Office Party Ideas

It’s that time of the year again... The sun is shining, vacation time is approaching, and everyone is in a good mood! Even with an on-going pandemic, Summer has a…

Last-Minute Party Activities For Kids

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” - William Morris Even though Morris was an artist, this quote still rings true when…