Hire a DJ in Newtownards

The smarter way to wonderful parties

The best DJs for hire

Hire a professional DJ in Newtownards in seconds. Simply select the date and time of your party. Then choose the perfect entertainer, or service provider, for your event and make your booking online.

DJs for private events

DJs can be hired for anniversaries, birthday parties, house parties, retirement parties, bachelor parties, hen parties and more.
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Emma Slowe DJ - Private events

Emma Slowe DJ

Jamie Stone - Private events

Jamie Stone

A Few Of Our Happy Customers

Would highly recommend Emma, had my party at the weekend and Emma had everything organized for me which was great. — Orla Twomey

DJs for kids

Book a disco party for kid’s birthday parties, communions, christenings, family get-togethers and more. Choose from a variety of different children's entertainment options. A stress-free party you will not regret!
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Emma Slowe Entertainments - Kids

Emma Slowe Entertainments

Kids Party Club Private Parties - Kids

Kids Party Club Private Parties

Yoga Party - Kids

Yoga Party

Kids Party Club Yoga Party (Private Parties) - Kids

Kids Party Club Yoga Party (Private Parties)

A Few Of Our Happy Customers

Emma did a disco birthday party for my 7-year-old daughter and her friend, 35 girls in total! She was a pleasure to deal with, entertained the girls, was very professional, spotted the teary kids and sorted it out etc! There were tonnes of balloons and extra party bags I could give to siblings, great value would recommend! — Fiona

Denis entertained 18 children with ages ranging from 1 to 11 at my wedding. Everyone from children to adults gave us great feedback on Denis and his show consisting of a puppet show, a magic show and disco. Denis is fab to deal with, very professional with great contact prior to the wedding. I'd highly recommend Denis and Kids Party Club — Laura O'Neill, Cork

Roise came to our work retreat and guided us through a wonderful flow and relaxation. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I would recommend Roise 100%. Will definitely book again. — Catherine Kenny

5/5 Lovely show by Roisin thanks so much ! — Grace Collerton, Kilkenny

DJs for weddings

Hire a DJ for your wedding day! It’s a great way to break the ice and get great photos.
View all DJs
Emma Slowe DJ - Weddings

Emma Slowe DJ

Jamie Stone - Weddings

Jamie Stone

A Few Of Our Happy Customers

Would highly recommend Emma, had my party at the weekend and Emma had everything organized for me which was great. — Orla Twomey

DJs for corporate events

DJs can be hired to perform at a broad variety of corporate events such as Christmas parties, Halloween parties, Office parties, Conferences and more.
View all DJs
Emma Slowe DJ - Corporate

Emma Slowe DJ

Jamie Stone - Corporate

Jamie Stone

A Few Of Our Happy Customers

Would highly recommend Emma, had my party at the weekend and Emma had everything organized for me which was great. — Orla Twomey

DJs for corporate kids events

Book a disco party for your next event! Ideal for schools, corporate family days, Christmas parties and more.
View all DJs
Emma Slowe Entertainments - Corporate Kids

Emma Slowe Entertainments

Kids Party Club Corporate - Corporate Kids

Kids Party Club Corporate

Yoga Party - Corporate Kids

Yoga Party

A Few Of Our Happy Customers

Emma did a disco birthday party for my 7-year-old daughter and her friend, 35 girls in total! She was a pleasure to deal with, entertained the girls, was very professional, spotted the teary kids and sorted it out etc! There were tonnes of balloons and extra party bags I could give to siblings, great value would recommend! — Fiona

Denis entertained 18 children with ages ranging from 1 to 11 at my wedding. Everyone from children to adults gave us great feedback on Denis and his show consisting of a puppet show, a magic show and disco. Denis is fab to deal with, very professional with great contact prior to the wedding. I'd highly recommend Denis and Kids Party Club — Laura O'Neill, Cork

Roise came to our work retreat and guided us through a wonderful flow and relaxation. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I would recommend Roise 100%. Will definitely book again. — Catherine Kenny

Areas We Serve Around Newtownards

You can hire an entertainer anywhere in county Down with PartyWizz. Our partners will travel to your location in or around Newtownards.  

Looking for another location?

If the area you're looking for isn't listed above, checkout our other partners in the Republic of Ireland and the UK.

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